Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Helping Hands

Rocker Edging

Shaggy Mowing

DK Mowing Too

Our next door neighbor had a heart attack 2 weeks ago so I got the boys to help
take care of their lawn until he is feeling better. Our neighbor who had the heart
attack takes care of our other neighbor who is 89 years old so we ended up mowing
and edging 3 lawns. It was a great outdoor experience and the boys are doing a great
job learning yard work.

I just had to throw this one in as a bonus. I guess hard work makes you bad to the bone!


After His heart said...

what a demonstration of love, expecting nothing in return except for the good feeling it gives you inside to have helped someone!

Amelia Antwiler said...

That last picture is truly a bonus.
What a great hands on lesson about being the hands and feet. :-)