Monday, July 14, 2008

Myrtle Beach 08'

I tried my hand at our iMovie program in producing a video clip of our vacation. We had a great time and wore ourselves out more than relaxed. We visited Alligator Adventure, Brookgreen Gardens, Huntington State Park, Ripley's Aquarium, 3-D IMAX & Broadway at the Beach. It was so much fun with the boys and I mean all four of them!!! I hope the pictures turned out OK. Some our mine and some our Scott's. Enjoy!


Tiffany said...

I LOVED that video clip. You look so cute amongst all your boys. You have such a beautiful family. I was hoping you were going to post pictures of your vacation. Thank you for sharing!!!

PS--No more cast?

Hands-Free Heart said...

Welcome back! Looks like a grand time... your boys are at good ages for all that busy-ness! I'm sure you've made lots of memories.

Beautiful Grace said...

Our family loves Myrtle Beach!!! Glad you had a good time!!!!

Mrs. C said...

Is there anything you can't do?!?

Seriously...beautiful - the song, the pictures, your family. Looks like you had a wonderful time!