Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Pollination is a necessary step in the sexual reproduction of flowering plants, resulting in the production of offspring that are genetically diverse. It is important in horticulture and agriculture, because fruiting is dependent on fertilisation, which is the end result of pollination.
When the Lord dropped it in my heart to help mom's of all ages and women in general to connect at our church in a creative way He began to speak specifically about pollination. Above is a dictionary definition of the word. We are starting an endeavor at our church called Community Connections. Out of my passion for arts, specifically fiber arts we are gathering women every Tues for two months for fellowship and learning new skills or crafts. Each month we will feature a specific craft/skill for instance knitting, crocheting, sewing, jewelry making and so on. We are asking for those with great experience and those who have always wanted to try but have never started yet to join us.

This is where I heard the Lord begin to speak to me about pollination. We will then give are creations away to bless others, helping women to connect heart-to-heart to their communities. The picture the Lord gave me was when I was younger about 9 or 10 and my brother and I were in Bee 4-H. Yes, we raised two hives of bees. We would learn all about bees and honey at our 4-H meetings and then collect the honey and honey comb for our final projects. It was so much fun.

Any way, I remember learning about the importance that bees played in pollinating our local agricultural community. We lived between corn fields, dairy farms and orchards. Without the help of the bees carrying pollen from one plant to another the fields and orchards would be barren. No fruit. Quickly the Lord laid it upon my heart that He wants the church to do the same. Pollinate! We keep very strict ministry lines within our churches. Youth Ministry happens over here with these few folks and Alter Ministry happens over here. It's rare to see ministries inter mingling. Lately we have seen a great out pouring of churches connecting with one another and the Lord spoke to me that we are still neglecting to pollinate within our own Body of believers. The fruit is not producing because we are not pollinating. We are fruitless plants until the Holy Spirit in us AKA the bees can help take the pollen from one ministry to another.

I also saw this with our spiritual gifts. The Lord showed me that when we keep gifting's to ourselves we do not allow pollination to happen within our own spirits. To pollinate a gift one simply needs to get with other members of the Body and work as one. Flow together in unity. If I work with someone who is prophetic then my Mercy heart will cross pollinate with the prophetic gift and vise versa. Think about the potential! I just saw so much friut falling from the trees because the branches could no longer hold it all.

So what do you do when you get a word like that? Do you march into the leadership of your congregation and tell them we need to change everything now? Well, for me I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do. How was I to fit in this picture? Then He gave me the vision to use this Tue. morning time to cross pollinate. In February we will be learning to knit and crochet hats and scarves that will be then given to our Streets Ministry to hand out while they are ministering. Next month maybe we can learn some basic sweing and make small blankets to be given to our Visitation Ministry. There they can give them to the Neo-natal unit at a local hospital to cover the incubators. Can you imagine turning these little craft projects into prayer cloths? So we are going to start small and start pollinating in the spirit. It's been a heaviness on my heart to see this happen and a joy to see it come into fruition.


Beautiful Grace said...

Great picture of pollinization within the church! I specifically like the part about cross pollination.

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Good word...

Kelli said...

It was awesome yesterday and evan "awesomer" the way you wrote it here. I told a few folks to come over and check it out.