Friday, January 15, 2010

Ingredients for a truly Romantic Evening!!

Nothing says I love you like a romantic evening with you husband. After a long week or long day at work you both can just kick back and enjoy one another. So here are the ingredients for our romantic evening we spent together last night. I thought with Valentines Day approaching you all might need some good tips.

Romantic Evening
  1. Choose a great romantic location - we chose our basement.
  2. Food is essential - 2 cups of coffee.
  3. Clothing can make a statement - Jeans & T-shirts, old stuff to be exact.
  4. Lighting helps the mood - dimly lit Energy Efficient bulbs.
  5. Gaze into one another eyes - we did.
  6. Do something romantic like watch a great movie, read poetry or kissing -we went right to business and skipped all that...we spent the evening fixing our washing machine.
Yeah, not much romance really happening here. Are washing machine broke over the past weekend and the part just arrived yesterday. We did do a lot of gazing at one another but it was through a hole in the washing machine. Scott kept asking for tools and I would have to rumage through his tool box looking for things. He'd ask for a dingle hooper and I would inevitably hand him the thingy-ma-bob. Both of us tore up our knuckles trying to get screws out and bolts out. I love how the directions that came with the new parts have these few easy steps to follow. Appeartenly it's simple when the thing you are working on is outside of the washing machine. It's a whole nother ball game when everything is still attached.

Needless to say it is working again. We were given a $200+ quote for someone to come out and fix it for us. So my Knight in his "I will do it myself" manner found the part for $46 and figured out how to replace. I do love that about him. He can tare apart anything and put it back together again. He actually fixed something else that was wrong with the machine and we didn't know it and now it is working better then ever.

So please don't take our advice for romance. It just ain't happen around here lately. Maybe I should be asking for ideas on how to have Romantic evenings, any suggestions? Please don't include any suggestions related to fixing cars, appliances or replacing door jams in the house. Done that! :-)


Kelli said...

Anybody can have a boring old night out, but you two actually do contructive things! Nice job.

mishmash-a little bit of this and a little... said...

ahhhh the different seasons of romance. its these times that build and unite. it will happen again. :)

Anonymous said...

Next time we need a washing machine repair---we know who we're going on a double date with! :)

Have the two of you ever tried running electric or installing new plumbing? One of our favorite dates is hanging drywall.. ;)

Amelia Antwiler said...

your romance life sounds like ours.
For what that's worth. LOL.

Promises said...

Your mindset can turn any situation to be a little romantic! Sometimes, I have to remind myself to not only focus on what is needing to be accomplished, but to really look at my husband and think about how much I love him while he is doing "whatever job" at the moment. A little smile, a wink, or whatever can change the atmosphere. I know that I had to tell myself to "stop taking everything so serious - enjoy the moment! Laugh, Plant an unexpected kiss on my hubs lips, "goose" him!" It is amazing how that can change the mood of the moment, and even bring in a little spark! :)

We all have moments that are just sort of "get the task done, go to sleep, etc.", but the spark and romance will come again!

Promises said...

One other thing - did you get my voice mail? Either call or email me when you get a chance! Thanks!