Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Purgenator Strikes Again

I don't know what it is about cleaning up Christmas but it always throws my Knight into a frenzy. He then makes a dash to the nearest telephone booth and emerges as the PURGE-A-NATOR. Every year! One time I would like to just put away Christmas without combing through closets and desk drawers and so forth.

Today we began working on dismantling the tree when in a flash my Knight began to show signs of a purging streak. He opened the downstairs closet and started to rummage through it, then came the trash bags. Look out here he comes. Maybe instead of the telephone booth analogy I should just liken it to the Incredible Hulks fierce transformation. Things get ripped up and torn out before you realize he is no longer your dashing Knight but the brute force of 10 maids and a moving company. To your amazement he is now the Purge-a-nator without the green complexion.

I have a deep love-hate relationship with this character. I know how wonderful it is to be in a clutter free home and how much I appreciate his amazing organizational skills but we are going to have to work on the timing thing. So needless to say we spent the day taking down the Christmas tree and decorations, cleaning, reorganizing the kids rooms, decluttering the dinner room and now he is out changing the oil in both cars. What A Man!!!! I did tell him he looks cute in his Carhart's.

Again if anyone needs to have the Purge-a-nator drop by this New Year let me know. I am sure he would work for food and maybe that way would give me an extra month or so before he strikes again at our home. He told me today it felt so good since it had been 5 months since our last purge. We need to keep it to every 6 months. The poor kids ran around the house hugging all their toys and things as he spouted out his favorite saying "If you haven't loved it or hugged it in 3 months it goes!" I made him quickly hug me and the boys. :-)Now to go take a nap!!!


Promises said...

The thought of your boys running around the house and hugging their toys made me giggle! I was picturing it in my head! It is a blessing to be clutter free - I am not there yet, but I am on that road!

Krazy Klingers said...

Dan is like that too! Two after Christmas he took all the decorations down, cleaned up the house and reorganized the attic! Then he moved on to the kid's toys. When he started heading to my stuff I stopped him!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Purgenator....I like that...

Yeah...he visits our house from time to time. More than once a year too. He and his sister sometimes visit together....

On a side note...our tree was down on the 26th of December.. ;)

Amelia Antwiler said...

I tend to be like this when I start to feel cramped and crowded. I must have a mild case of it - mostly I just stomp around and make a big noise about it. LOL