Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Lick Toilet Bowl Cleaning Tablets

For our birthday Rocker and I decided to go out to eat. Yay!! No cooking is a great gift for mom on her birthday. In the midst of a delicious steak dinner this disgusting and odd conversation came up. Let me set the stage...

Rocker & Shaggy quickly enter stage right after exiting the men's room. They rush to our table full of excitement chomping at the bit to tell us something profound. I am quietly enjoying my amazingly scrumptious steak.

Rocker: Mom, mom!!! Don't lick the blue toilet bowl cleaners in the toilets, they burn your tongue.

Me: Gasp!!!!!!! My mouth drops to floor with a crash and I am trying to fully understand what was just said.

Shaggy jumping on the toilet bowl licking bandwagon: Yeah, if you do it burns the top layer of your tongues skin off.

Now maybe other moms would just shrug it off as silly boy talk but this mama knows my sons all to well. My heart and stomach dropped as I thought "The only way they would know that is if they tried it!"


Rocker smiles and laughs: No our Nurse at school said some kid did and went to the ER. It burned the top his tongue off.

They both proceeded to tell me all the gory details until they realized I almost hurled my steak dinner back onto my plate.

Oh, my, goodness I almost had a heart attack. I honestly thought my two sons licked the toilet.

Uhhhgggg!!! I need therapy now. What possesses a young man to think and ponder such things? Yes I really thought they licked the toilet thingy.


PressingIn said...

WOW!! I was cringing, but sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see if they did it or not! :) *PHEW*!! Those boys of yours are great. They sure have great parents to model. (Not that you guys have ever licked toilet-related apparatus. :) Happy Belated birthday beautiful lady!! Love to you!!:)

After His heart said...

ha! When God placed wonder in them He knew they wouldn't just wonder about spiritual but about everything! Definitely causes Him to chuckle now and then!

Amelia Antwiler said...

Well -- considering they went away and then came back to tell you that story -- I'd have thought the very same thing you did.

I'm very glad they were just wanting to tell you the story!!!