Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Laundry Badge of Shame:-(

Right now our bedroom is where clothes go to die! It has been converted into
a laundry graveyard. I am quite ashamed and so I post pictures to hopefully
propel me into action.
So sad I know. I hope there are not any Laundry Equal Rights activists out there. They could build a case here with neglect of clothing or laundry abuse. For the last two weeks I have not been able to catch up on laundry. I just keep cycling through basket after basket without making head way. Tonight my Knight has declared an all out frontal assault on laundry. We are even bringing in reinforcements, the kids, to attack this mess. The boys normally help with laundry but I still usually do the organizing of it so they can take care of their own laundry and I handle ours. However, things got sloppy and now the boys are sifting through piles of cloths and accidentally coming across my "things" just to find a pair of socks.

A morning doesn't go by that I don't hear a yell or scream from our bedroom as the boys are struck by the horror of it all, especially when they accidentally come in contact with my "things". By tomorrow I vow to clean up my act and laundry and recover my Laundry Badge of Honor.

We will wait and see......


Promises said...

Are you sure that this is not my bedroom! HA! If it makes you feel any laundry looks very similar, BUT, I have TWO huge piles of dirty laudry to be washed!!! I can't seem to catch up these days! (Maybe I need to go do a little bit now!) :)

Kelli said...

:) With 5 people in that house, I don't think it looks bad at all. ;)

ourthompsontimes said...

you should see our room and the boys rooms, we're really bad too, we even have bins of clothing piled up that never made it to the attic, along with our clean pile, dirty pile oh and baskets of clothing that didnt make into a pile. we're right there with you