Wednesday, November 26, 2008

From Christmas Past

My Knight is on the once a year blogging program so I get to snag one of his family's stories for the Holidays. I just think this is so funny and really epitomizes his entire family. We are heading up there tomorrow about 4am.

Well, my Knight had a Great Uncle Tom who was known for making everything by duck tape and coming up with unique contraptions. He was also a huge railroad fan in his day. Uncle Tom and Aunt Marion have past on now but their memories will always be with us. They were definitely a life loving couple.

Aunt Marion was known as the lady who would bring pie and green bean casserole to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. She would throw everything together for the pies and casserole. Then in Uncle Tom fashion they would wrap the pies and casserole in aluminum foil. Here's the best part.... Uncle Tom calculated how hot the engine of their car would get heading up the highway to My Knights family's house and how long it took to get there. He perfected this until each Thanksgiving and Christmas they would duck tape the dishes to the top of the engine under the hood and drive up for the holidays. By the time they arrived the pie was perfectly baked and the casserole was completely cooked. How this happened I am still amazed.  Personally I never was able to partake in this amazing meal because they both passed away before we were married. I asked my Knight if it tasted like gasoline, oil or fumes but he insists it's the best darn pies and casserole he ever had, except for mine. :)

This is a true story. Honest, I hear about it every year. The kids (my husband is #2 out of 7) would all run out to meet Uncle Tom and watch him lift up the hood of his car to get the food. It is a little back woods were my husband grew up but I guess they were very ingenious. I would still probably not be able to eat it knowing it was near fuel and oil but it didn't hurt my Knight any.

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Beautiful Grace said...

That's a cool story. I would have been hesitant to eat the stuff as well.

Amelia Antwiler said...

It sounds like something someone in my family would do.
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

That's a great memory...

I am sure there's an uncle Tom in every family. (at least one). I know we have them too...and the stories shared are memories cherished.

Thank you for traveling.

Natalie said...

Cool story! Don't you love those stories from yesteryear.

Hands-Free Heart said...

That is too funny... I can't imagine how none of the contents would spill, but I guess maybe he ducktaped the foil on tight so it wouldn't spill? Anyway, I was LOL again.

Promises said...

This was a great story - I probably would have wanted to eat it when I was little, but my mom would not have let me. At this stage in my life, I probably would not - is it b/c I did not grow up in the "country"? :)