Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Part Of Christmas I Hate!!!

Christmas is not my favorite holiday. From childhood memories I have come to hate Christmas at times. I have gotten better about this but I feel it creeping back upon me again.

I love celebrating the birth of our saviour and coming together with family and friends but I hate the commercialization of it all. I hate that instead of the years gone by when you gave because you truly wanted to you now are just expected to. For many it may not be so but for us who live on such a tight budget Christmas is filled with anxiety. I know, I know I need healing in this area but there are valid reasons why.

Just this week my husband had to chip in and buy each of his coworkers a gift from the Management team. Then he had to chip in for some gifts for his managers. Unexpected monies taken from an already depleted budget. Then I get the letters from teachers about gift exchanges at school, donations for party supplies and the list goes on. I even tried my best to skirt around this by volunteering to come up with games for the  school parties. Unbeknown to me the person who volunteers for the games then supplies all the needed items. It honestly makes me not want to give any more because I am expected to give.

I am really struggling today with Christmas. I have some dear friends I would like to bless but with the demands of the holidays they get put on the back burner. I don't want this any more. My husband and I are also trying very hard to get out of debt but try explaining that to your boss or child's teacher when they are hounding you for more money. Churches do it too and so do many organizations. "Let's have a gift exchange at our party. Only a ten dollar limit." What they don't understand is for those families out there that are scrimping to get by ten dollars might cut into their food budget or gas funds.

When can we get back to the simplicity of Christmas? The homemade gifts, the joy of just being with one another. I am sorry for this depressing post right before Christmas but this has been weighing heavily on my mind and I just feel the weight of it on my shoulders. I want to enjoy Christmas this year and not worry about how much will have to go on the credit card because we just can't afford to do everything, everyone expects us to do this holiday season. I just honestly want to enjoy Christmas for once in my life.


Krazy Klingers said...

I am right there with you. But this year something inside of me changed. Last year my family picked names and we still bought little gifts for everyone. This year we just can't do it and I don't feel bad because we just can't afford it and that's ok. On my dad's side we opted out of gifts this year and we are all going to dinner to spend time with each other. I love that!!!

Maybe you could make dinner for your friends as a gift to them or all go out to a restaurant and everyone pays for themselves and the gift is spending time together.

After His Heart said...

I hear you! You might try writing a "heart" letter to all those special people in your life. Long after the other gifts are put away and the season is over, your "heart" letter will be cherished and kept near to enjoy over and over and it won't drain you budget or your heart!

For me, the most cherished gifts are "heart" words written for me to "hear" the voice of the one who loves and cares about me. I cherish this gift the most because it's a personal gift of ones life.

Promises said...

I totally understand. I used to feel "bad" that we only had a small amount budgeted for each extended family member...maybe they would think that we were "cheap" or didn't love them...silly, I know, but some people did make us feel that way. However, we knew that we had to stay within the budget that we made, and the Lord would continue to bless us for our obedience to Him.

I think that homemade gifts are awesome - I always like homemade things and I think that if you are talented in that area, then go for it! If you were invited to something and they "expected" you to spend $ could always go to a place like Bed Bath and Beyond, bring a 20% off coupon and buy something that is worth $10, but pay less...or do the same thing at a craft store that has 40 or 50% coupons out there...just a thought.

I have to say that at life groups, I always like the white elephant gift was always a "hoot" and it didn't cost anyone anything.

I also have to say that I agree with what After His Heart says too!

Beautiful Grace said...

Our budget is really tight as well this year. For our our boys, I've purchased a few snack items and a three month subscription to X-box live. I'll probably give our parents a gift certificate for a homecooked meal and for Strongman, well, we'll not dicuss that. I send e-mail Christmas greetings to save on costs and give lots of hugs and Christmas greetings to friends and extended family. It's sound sparse, but "things" aren't Christmas, Jesus is.

Kelli said...

:) I just spent yesterday and this morning making cookies for all of the teachers, pastors and co-workers that are in our lives. :)

Hoping you have a better day!

Anonymous said...

It's certainly not depressing at all..

It's refreshing to know there are others in the same position and opinion.

Thank you for sharing...

Natalie said...

Hey, don't get mad. You set the tone you want for Christmas and I bet you'd be surprised how relieved others would be to follow your lead.

Don't know if you follow Design Mom. But she did a great post today on the gifts her kids make each year for each other. Inspired me. or com. Not sure which.

Melissa said...

The Husband and I challanged each other to spend no money for each other on Christmas. I am always on the lookout for coupons, freebies and rebates. I have a different take on giving at Christmas...just a simple item with a heart felt card can really encourage a person and not make it a burden on you. I know my co-workers like blow pops so I got them each a bag for less then $2 and cards that tell them how much fun they are to work with. Also, baked goods are wonderful treats and I make a ton to give away. It really is the thought that counts and not necessarily how much you spend. I'm praying for you to enjoy the season without feeling burdened by all the commercialism...your focus has been right where it should be...celebrating the birth of our Savior! Don't worry about all the other stuff!