Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Story Behind The Weaving

I made a hand woven table runner for our Mom's group at church to give away at their annual Christmas Coffee House next week. It was something I was looking forward to do for a long time now. With the kids off at school for a few hours I could work child-free in the morning.

It's funny how the Lord speaks to me. Not through fire or thunder but the small still voice and weaving. This project was supposed to be easy peasy but it turned out to be my most difficult. Not in ability or design but in problems.

I faced more problems with this project than any other I have ever done before and I have done larger, harder projects than this. I was struggling to get going on this. From the beginning I was running into the kids tangling the warp and threading problems with the heddles. At times I was ready to give up and throw in the towel but this is what the Lord spoke to me during the whole project...
"I don't give up. People are just like your project. I have chosen just the right design and pattern. I hand picked the yarn that would be perfect for each person. Each gifting, each talent and each purpose was chosen by Me. I had a great purpose and design from the beginning. Like your project life will change and situations will begin to tangle my design. People will hurt you and your threads may come unraveled. This was not my plan just as these things were not in your plan for your project but I keep going because I see the final project. As the Master Weaver I can fix each situation just as you have been doing. You untangle the thread with care. Gently without damaging the warp. You repair broken threads and rethread the heddles that come undone. Keep in mind the final project. Some may say they are too difficult for Me to make into something beautiful but I say no way. I can make beauty out of ashes. I take what others give up on and create a master piece. My people will be beautiful works of art even in the midst of problems. No one is too difficult or unworthy for Me. I love them all and love weaving each of them together."
With each word I  God spoke to me I kept going and pressing on. With each difficulty I faced the Lord continued to speak to me more and more about His undying love. I believe He was speaking to me directly and to others. Especially the beautiful woman this project will go to on Tue. I have had difficultly but the end result was beautiful. This project spoke to me in so many ways I hope it speaks to you also. We are worth it. We are created to be beautiful creations of the Father. He can take every circumstance in our life and weave it into the ultimate design.

Father I pray that who ever gets this project Tue. night will be blessed. That they would be filled with the knowledge of how wonderfully and fearfully they are made. That they would see that all they have been through is being woven into something beautiful by the Father Himself. May they hear these words and see the project and know how much you love and cherish them.

Just a little of what's been going on today with the project. I will have the unveiling tomorrow!


Mrs. C said...

Absolutely beautiful!

I can't wait to see it!!!

You have to share what's in quotes on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I believe you have already expressed the unveiling.


PressingIn said...

You are such an amazing, talented, beautiful woman. I have to agree with Iam4Jesus. I think that you've already expressed the unveiling. What a gift that the Lord has given to you and what an amazing revelation to every woman out there. I can't wait to see it. You definitely have to share the quotes on Tuesday!! :) You're so great and I'm grateful that you know how to Live Life!! :)

Promises said...

I finally had a chance to read this and it is beautiful! I agree with the others, you should share what the Lord spoke to you - that really touched me! It might also be good to have a written copy of it to give to the woman that will received this (just in case she does not blog), that way she can read it again and soak it in.