Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

I am a huge dreamer. I dream not just every night but many times a night. During our School of Ministry this year we had a Pastor come and speak about dreams and interpretations of dreams. She took us through the Bible and showed us time and time again how the Lord speaks to His people through dreams and night visions. She challenged us all to record our dreams and ask the Lord to speak to us about them. I can't even really share everything she taught us because it wouldn't even do it justice.

One thing that really spoke to me was the idea God was trying to get my attention even while I was sleeping. I was amazed that the Heavenly Father wanted to talk and meet with me even at night. Wow! I have successfully been keeping up with my dreams and writing them down and seeking out His wisdom about them. The wild thing is I started praying for my boys to have dreams and they all are.

Well, last night I had two dreams. Wild, crazy ones. When I awoke from them Shaggy was standing at our bedroom door asking to come in. He too had two dreams. He explained his dreams as being bad dreams and they were the same exact dream. He told me he woke up from the first dream went back to sleep and had the same dream again. Apparently that dream has some importance or urgency to it.

But what do they mean? We had a great discussion at breakfast this morning about our dreams although I am not sure we have the full interpretation of them. I love including the boys in it. One of my dreams was about how we had to burn down our home. We threw gasoline in on the garage floor and lit it. The house was not consumed but the fire was consuming everything in it. Shaggy right away suggested that maybe something in our lives needs to be burned away by the Lord, like a cleansing. I am reminded of the Bible referring to God's consuming fire and how many times it is referred to as a purifier. Hmmmm. My other dream had to do with me carrying six babies. By carrying I mean I was pregnant with six babies. Right away the Lord told me it had to do with my calling, purpose, destiny. I was going to be birthing something in the Spirit but it was going to be big, multi-faceted. My Knights also added he felt it had to do with my capacity to carry God's love for others. My body may be stretched but my heart is always beg enough. Hmmmmm.

So now I need to really hear the Lord. Shaggy's dreams were defiantly a warning about something. He and Rocker were sleeping on our Kitchen floor when a white ferret attacked them. Shaggy tried killing it but it wouldn't die. I believe we need to spend some time today asking God for His revelation. Something is happening in the heavenlies and we need to be ready for it.

Do you dream? Are you a dreamer? Ask the Lord tonight for Him to speak to you while you sleep. Write it down in the morning and then seek Him about the meaning. You might be surprised about how much the Father loves to speak to His kids even in their dreams.


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Thanks for your words. We appreciate you guys! :)

And, yes..I'm a dreamer.

Kelli said...

SO cool. I'm not the dreamer, Not So Classic is.

Too bad Dawn won't be in class tonight. I'd like to know what Shaggy's dream means.

After His heart said...

I do dream and I have written a few down. I need to get better at it. I think I'll ask again tonight, and Lord, I promise I won't grumble when you wake me in the middle of the night!

Thanks for stirring this up in me! And Lord, grant each of them the gift of interpretation!!!!

Amelia Antwiler said...

Doggone it --
so much to say -- so little space to say it.

I do dream. but I have weird ones and often times they don't seem very prophetic and then I find out later that they were.

e-mail me. I've got something here that might help. skyddish at cox dot net.