Monday, March 9, 2009

A Funny DK Quote

DK is home again today from being sick. At Breakfast with just the two of us he pipes up with this cutie.

DK: "Mommy did you have dideo (video) games when you were alive?"

Me: "Ummmm, yes I had video games when I was alive, I think I am still alive."

DK: "No I mean did you have a Wii or DS when you were alive?"

Apparently with little sleep, no make-up and my hair looking a little whack-a-doodle this morning I must look more dead then alive. That's OK he is just following in Mama's footsteps. When I was his age I asked my grandfather who fought in WWII did he die in the war. It must be something in my genes. :) Hopefully next time you see me I will be looking a little more alive!


After His heart said...

That's better than what my youngest ask me, "Mom, when you were little, did they have spoons and forks"? I must have looked ancient!

I hope DK gets to feeling better soon!

Beautiful Grace said...

May the healing power of Jesus flood DK right now. May he experience the physical touch of Yeshua causing his soul to be drawn to Him in deeper and stronger ways. In Jesus' Name!! AMEN!!

We didn't have video games when I was alive either.