I want him to have wisdom and learn discernment and not memorize a list of rules to follow. Like Rachel Hickson said at a conference a while ago "Rules will be broken, but people don't want to let others trust down." It isn't as simple as telling them no, to putting their finger or other objects in electrical sockets or teaching them to not lash out in anger and bite other children. There is so much more to this world they live in. I also don't want my boys to live off of my Spiritual fumes. They need their own filling and understanding of why they believe in God. So on top of all the other wisdom we are trying to impart and pray for, we are also answering many of their questions with questions. Shaggy and I watched a Discovery Channel program the other day about Exodus and Moses. The program was very interesting even if they missed the mark a few times. The best thing though was Shaggy began asking me what I thought and I turned it right back to him. I asked him what does it say in the Bible? Do you believe that? Why? I might not agree with all his thoughts but he was thinking and thinking on his own. Many times we would look it up together in the Bible and find we were both wrong but it was getting him to realize he needs to know in his heart and not just take my beliefs as his own.
So we are still trying to wade through all of this new territory. Some days we succeed with great victory and other times we crash and burn, but we keep going. I am just thankful that many times the Father works in spite of me and not always because of me. If any of you that have pre-teens out there have any good resources to recommend I would love to hear them. The only resource I would not recommend is James Dobsons Bringing Up Boys. There are many, many things in that book that I personally don't agree with and go against many of the personal convictions I have about the Lord. Anyway, that's a totally different post but if you know of any other great books or suggestions please feel free to comment. The day I stop learning is the day I no longer live.