Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Few Hours With Your Love & No Kids Makes A Big Difference

It's been 3 months since my Knight and I have gone out without the kids. Through all that's been happening around here we were just missing one another night after night. 3 months with no real time to stop, sit & talk and enjoy each others company can compound hard times quickly. Last night we dropped the boys off at West Shore EFree's VBS and headed out to a coffee house. We had dinner and coffee and a lot of time catching up. Boy did we need it! Can I just say how nice it is to have a Children's Ministry event our kids can go to and not have to work our tails off during it. I love that West Shore let's other churches come. It allows us time to be ministered too.

Most of the conversation centered around just catching each other up on our thoughts and feelings. Things were so out of control lately we were just bouncing off each others pain and not taking the time to hear each others hearts. I can't explain how good it felt to get out of the house, away from the kids and go on a date with my Love. I wish we had the opportunity to do it more often but at least we are not going to allow it to go so long next time.

BTW, things are going well. We are getting the Lord's perspective on things, healing and drawing closer. It has been good the last week or so to just focus on us and our family. Thank you for your words of encouragement and prayers. We see where the Lord is taking us as a couple and know this stuff just needed to be removed.

1 comment:

Beautiful Grace said...

:)!!!! Sorry, i'm a copy cat!!