After my Knight went on his missions trip we went to a friends house to stay for the duration of the trip. As the boys played in their backyard I found a deer tick in Drama Kings hair, embedded into the scalp. We were able to remove it successfully and began the weary vigil of watching and waiting. Lyme's Disease symptoms can take up to a month to detect. Thank the Lord he gave us wisdom and we began to pray. Not until this week did the symptoms begin to become visible. Today is exactly 3 weeks since the bite and the doctors were very happy to detect this so early on.
Now Drama King will under go 1 month of potent antibiotics and we are to keep a close eye on any other developing symptoms. I am glad we are starting the treatment now. We will continue to go out in the wilderness this summer but with added precautions. Just a note to other moms as I was telling the Doctor as we have camped regularly every year for the past 10 years we have never seen a deer tick. When we step into someones back yard we now are faced with Lyme's Disease. He said most reports of Lyme's is from people's own backyards. Hikers and outdoorsy people will be on the look out for them where as you let your guard down in your yard. So spray your kids when they go out. My husband and I always say that everything we camp with smells like smoke and bug spray. Now I will be more vigilant about spraying the boys for our yard. Please keep us in prayer over this next month. DK is doing great but the antibiotic is nasty tasting and the poor kid has to take it two times a day for a month. He tires really easily and is not himself, very cranky and irritable. He also complains that he is sore where the rash is. The Ped. said they were normal symptoms. It is also a non-formulary prescription which means the insurance is not helping us. We have to pay full price. Isn't that wonderful.
Oh, poor DK! We'll be praying for you all - we have another friend that was diagnosed at the very end of last summer - much later and after a really hard summer of weird symptoms. So glad you caught it early!
Tell him to imagine the meds are banana splits from Brusters :) That could work . . .
Becky, what a great vigilant mom you are with a wonderful "papa" who watches over you and all those who count on you! We stand with you in taking authority over this scheme of the enemy and command that intruder to pack up and move on!!
oh yuck! So glad you caught it quickly! My kids were outside for 5 minutes before going on a roadtrip, and somehow Fuzzy Wuzzy got a tick in his hair. It was not embedded and was too large to be a deer tick. But where on my property would one acquire a tick? in our 2 ft section of grass?
Hope you'll still be camping with us. And yes, we'll be bringing both bugspray and sunscreen!
Wow, I remember you mentioning the tick and am so sorry to hear that he is sick. How good that you realized it right away!
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