Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When I Turn 100 by Rocker

"Hi ! My name is Ethan and I am 100 years old! I had 10 kids. I was an artist and I was famous. I love kids. I go to church. I have 60 pets. A long time ago when it was my birthday and I was turning 10, I got a pet lizard. I remember when I left him at home. He got out of his tank and he got into a lot of trouble."

Written and drawn by my beloved Rocker age 8. I love the whole 10 kids thing and that he is hinting for a pet lizard for his 10th birthday. It just better not get out!

1 comment:

Krazy Klingers said...

I had a pet lizard names squirmy when I was 12. One day he got out of his cage and we couldn't find him for 2 weeks. Finally we found him on the floor heater warming himself. He was so weak from not eating that when I put the crickets in the cage they ate him. It was the weirdest thing. I went to pick him up and it was just his shell, the insides were eaten. All of the crickets were still alive. Poor squirmy! Eaten by his own dinner.