Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love Looks Like Something Part 2

One way in which the Father began to reveal His unconditional love to me was through my husband. Time after time I would hold his love at arms length literally rejecting him again and again. I believed I needed to throw the first punch. If I could hurt him first it would save me from taking another blow. This is a survivors mentality. Children and adults who have gone through really bad things will either end up as a victim or a survivor. That was what I was, a survivor.

With each time I slung my rejection at my husband he never flinched, he never budged. He stood there reassuring me he loved me and was not leaving me. I pushed and pushed harder because deep in my heart I could not believe he would not leave me. But no matter how hard I pushed the more resolved he became and the closer he began to pull me into his arms. My husband had every right to leave me. He had every right to call it quits and at the time I don't think there would have been many around him who would have discouraged it. But he wouldn't let go. He began to show me what true unconditional love meant. He gave me love when I didn't even deserve it. The Father continued to speak to me about this. I began to see God as a loving Father and not a dictator.

Working with people who have not experience real, true love in their lives can be very difficult. They will push you and test you to see if you are really there for the long hall. They bite you every time you extend your hand in love but you must continue to pursue them. I now see what "Love" truly is. Love looks like something but not what we would expect it to look like. Love is not this Hollywood, make believe reality. Love is raw. It is filled with pain and joy, life and death. In it's most purest state Love looked ugly and marred. It was bruised and rejected. It hung on a cross. Love is a little girl kneeling at a Bible wiping the spit off and gently kissing it, only to be killed for her love. Love is a mother and father sitting in a cold, lifeless prison cell, extending forgivness to a young man in prison for the thoughtless, brutal murder of their innocent child. Love is a mother taking in young boys and girls who others said were too far gone but she looks on them with eyes of compassion and hope. Love sees a heroin addict and calls forth the Princess she really is. Love binds soldiers to such a strong brotherhood that they would lay down their own life for one another.

Love, true love cannot be put in a box. It cannot be manipulated or controlled. Love is not selfish or judgmental. Love dose not fit neatly into mans ideals because love is not from this earth. It was cut from the essence of the Father Himself and given freely to us, His own creation. We cannot always wrap our minds around true love because it is a supernatural thing. Until we come into the alignment of heaven love will be allusive. The most amazing thing about love is it is just sitting there waiting for us to grab a hold of. Jesus waits for us. He loves us even before we loved Him. I am so thankful that I now know love and I have a Savior who became love in it's purest form so that we could all be saved.


Kelli said...

This is beautiful!

You know what struck me? The part where you found out what love is. Because you had to find it, it's yours: no one can take it away...

Beautiful Grace said...

I agree with Classic!