Thursday, September 4, 2008

Your result for The Best Thing About You Test...


Courage is your greatest virtue.

Courage, also known as bravery, will and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk, danger, and all that. "Physical courage" is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, or threat of death, while "moral courage" is the courage to act awesome in the face of opposition, shame, or discouragement. And you? You are remarkable. You demonstrate courage on all fronts. All 7 virtues are a part of you, but your courage runs deepest.

Courageous famous people: Genghis Khan, The Last Starfighter, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Your raw relative scores follow. 0% is low, and 100% is perfect, nearly impossible. Note that I pitted the virtues against each other, so in some way these are relative scores. It's impossible to score high on all of them, and a low score on one is just relatively low compared to the other virtues.


60% Compassion

0% Intelligence

50% Humility

56% Honesty

38% Discipline

71% Courage

50% Passion

Take The Best Thing About You Test at HelloQuizzy

Thanks Trish for this cool test. I have to laugh though because I scored 0% on Intelligence. I guess if they are comparing me to Genghis Khan or Rambo I might have to agree with intelligence level but I think I am a little more intelligent than 0%. I actually look just like Rambo in this picture early in the morning before coffee. Watch out kids don't get in mama's way to the coffee pot. Had fun with this one. So is it me?


Beautiful Grace said...

I can tell that you are courageous just by your blantant honesty with your posts. I'm taking the test next!!

Hands-Free Heart said...

Yep, it's you! But not the zero intelligence.

On the site it explains that the scores are relative. What that means is that every time you had a chance to answer a question that would gauge your intelligence, it was pitted against other virtues which are stronger in you, so you ended up answering according to the other stronger virtue instead of intelligence.


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the 0% for intelligence!

I definitely agree with the courageous and compassionate, and although it wasn't on here, I think your life experiences and your walk with the Lord have given you wisdom.