Do you remember Gumby and his pal Pokey? I do but was never a big fan. It aired only 223 episodes on TV. Well this is the picture the Lord gave me of myself. Yea, weird I know. Lately things are happening all around me that are totally stretching me, hence the elastic humanoid. If you briefly look on my side bar you will see a Personality Test. Many of you took this last year and I saw many of them posted on the sites. It was fun and interesting. But after the test I looked up towards the Lord and said "See! Do you see this God? I am an introvert, not outgoing. Why are you doing this to me? If this is how you made me why are you going against your own design?" At this point I was pretty ticked. You see I am no longer being allowed to hide my head in a hole or under a rock. The Lord has put my husband and I in a position that has opened us up to various ministry opportunities, all requiring me to reach out to others. Our house has become a gathering place. Every week now we have two to three families over for dinner and ministry time. Is it great? Is it exciting to see God working in and through us? Yes but not fun for my flesh.
After I asked the Lord why was He doing this I felt His giant hands scoop me up into his warm embrace. Even with my ticked off attitude a smile broke across His face. He told me "This is not who I made you to be,pointing to the Test, but who the world has told you, you are. You are now coming into My design and purpose. I do not go against My creation." Ouch!! But True. He showed my pictures of when I was a child, outgoing and ready to take on the world. That is my destiny. What I am now is a cowering adult tired of Satan beating the crap out of me, willing to just lay down and take it. What good is that? I remembered a specific time when a German Shepherd broke into our sheep paddocks and began to tear into our flock. One tired lamb, exhausted from the chase laid quietly down as the dog tore her into pieces. I ran and beat the ever living life out of that dog but even in it's last dying moments the lamb never fought off her attacker.
I was becoming this lamb. It is time I begin to fight back. Not against those around me but the accuser himself. So what will this look like? I don't know. Right now it looks like a mess because I am moving forward and fighting flesh at the same time. Instead of the Lord taking the clay and forming the clump into another earthen vessel (Isaiah 64:8 & Jeremiah 18:3-4) I see the Lord taking that clay placing it in a mold and out comes Gumby. Pliable, flexible and ready to be used by Him no matter what I am stretched into. So get ready world, Livin' is going green and bendy.
I understand. :)
This was really interesting for me to read. The Lord has really been working in my this past year - in a somewhat similar manner. Around the time that I got married, various things took place in my life that caused me to bottle up my outgoing personality - people actually thought I was shy (maybe some still do!). I am just not the type of person that needs to talk so be heard - I am the type of person that is outgoing though, and the Lord has been working on me, to bring me back to this place again and not let others dictate who I should be...I have been thinking about writing a post about this, but do not know how I will at this point, so it is not time for me to do it today. Maybe tomorrow...or next week...or...
Very nice blog! Even as I read it I felt a bit flustered. I like the gumbi idea, for me I picture water... sounds weird but it helps me when I feel like I'm being bent in a way a don't want to bend. I ATTEMPT to flow. ;)
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