Monday, February 11, 2008

A Total Slacker

I am a total slacker this Valentine's Day. Every year I painstakingly make Valentine goodies with my kids for their school friends, but this year I just couldn't. Each of the boys brought home a list of the names of all their class mates and it totaled over 75 children. No matter how hard I stared at that list it was just too many. This was my first year with all three needing goodies for Valentine's parties.

So humbly and very defeated I headed to Target for two boxes of Valentine cards and candy. The boys were happy with Spiderman and Star Wars Valentines. Yesterday we inserted tattoo's (each came with their own little tattoo) and taped candy to the outside. That in and of itself was tedious and time consuming enough. I just can't imagine making over 75 Valentine's Cards. Last year our total came to 50 and I was at my limit even with great crafter's like my boys. Well, I know Martha will not be happy with me and my chances of ever becoming President of the Martha Fan Club have now been destroyed. OH, Well. Now I have tons of little left over tattoo's I can stick to my arm and pretend to have real ones. Although my Knight doesn't think tattoo's of spider webs and Yoda are really attractive.:)


Promises said...

You are just too cute! I cannot believe that you made that many cards last year!!! I was at the party store the other day and they had a box on sale for 49 cents, so I bought them - for next year (when Brady can understand it a little more). They were the Pixar ones (Nemo, etc.)

happyhome said...

Found you through the Big Bloggy Move. I have NO idea what I'm doing for the fam for Valentines day...sigh...better put on my thinking cap.

Kelli said...

Martha wouldn't do it either. She would just have all her interns do them. :)

Melissa said...

We can wear matching Spiderman tattoos!

You see, I'm not in Kansas anymore, Toto (meaning I'm not homeschooling to make a few handmade Valentines to count as our "art" class).

We purchased a box of Hannah Montana and a box of Spiderman, and I, too, inserted tattoos this weekend while they signed their names. I must say we pulled out the freakishly scary "bad" Spiderman cards....maybe we are too girlie, but I was afraid we'd give some little kindergarteners terrible nightmares!

Livin' Life said...

I am right there with you Melissa. We discarded Venom. I just didn't think it was too loving for a Valentine's day card. The saying was "An out of this world Valentines Greeting." I told the boys out of this world and into our trash can. :)

Jess said...

Visiting via The Big Bloggy Move... I, too, am trying to prepare for the big day Thursday. We invited my mother over for a special dinner, so we have some cleaning up to do! :)

Amy Bennett said...

Just stopping to say hey from the Big Bloggy Move

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Thanks for playing along in our Big Bloggy Move!!

Beautiful Grace said...

Seventy-five Valentine cards, yicks!!! Having never had my boys in public school, I got out of all of that kind of stuff. I usually just buy each boy a candy bar with a note of love attached.

As for Strongman and I, we are having a date on Friday night. I already told the boys I', kicking them out of the house for supper. Oh, the blessings of having an 18 year old who can get in the car and drive!! :)

Anonymous said...

We're going to a Valentine's party for homeschoolers in our church and I'm going to buy the Valentines. I had great plans to make them with the kids, but it just isn't happening!

Thanks for joining our move!