Raising Kids and Returning to school can be quite an adventure...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Drama King
I wanted to take some time and journal about my boys and the blessing each of them are to me and my husband. Today is Drama Kings turn. My prophet, my dynamo. He reminds us daily his middle name is "Paul" which means little dynamite. He is full of life and unending energy. My dramatic one. He isn't that out going but can be as soon as he warms up to you, then he turns into a ham. Drama King also needs down time away from people. He is a mixture of extrovert and introvert. He is very social and loves to be around others but then he must retreat into his solitude to decompress for a while. It has been interesting to watch this dynamic in him.
He has many prophetic tendencies that continue to amaze my husband and I. The things he declares and then we watch as they comes to pass are phenomenal. He likes to sing all the time and play our small child drum set. One time when I was struggling with something major going on in my life he sat down at the drum set and started pounding away at it. He than sang "God is all powerful, God is all powerful" over and over again. It snapped me out of my funk and got me to refocus on the Lord. He is also very black and white about life. He takes life at face value. I see him as a giant sail filled with the wind of God blowing him on into his destiny. We pray for anchors though. He needs to be very grounded in the Lord so that he will never blow off course. Drama King is my spontaneous one that can roll with the punches, well if not overly tired. We can just pick up and go and hes off running ahead of me. My love, my precious young man. Handsome to boot! I was excited when last week he asked for a Mohawk again! I am so happy to have the privilege of being his mother.
What a powerful testimony already!
BTW, you've been tagged!
Your expressions of love filled my eyes with tears. It is the greatest blessing to be a Mom, isn't it?
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