Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Someone Stole our Car!!

Last night after a very long week my three boys and our young guest were all in line at the bathroom getting ready for bed. After I stood there for sometime I realized I had to go too so I told everyone to keep getting ready, I was just going to run downstairs to our basement bathroom. It is the bathroom no one else uses except my husband who endearingly calls it his sanctuary of silence. It is stocked with his fishing and National Geographic magazines.

Being so exhausted I actually picked up a NG magazine and became quickly engrossed in an article. Then to my horror Rocker burst in on me. He opened the bathroom door in a frantic state and then realized I was sitting on the pot. He screamed and I yelled and told him to get out. Quickly after Rocker turned a few shades of red he shut the door. The strange thing was he was still hysterical about something and tried yelling through the door. Finally I finished (and yes I washed my hands) and tried to calm him down. This was our conversation that followed, I think we all were a little tired...

Rocker: Mommy someone stole our car!!!!(very dramatically)

Me: What are you talking about? (also very dramatically)

Rocker: Our car is stolen!! It was outside a minute ago and now it's gone!!!(As he drags me upstairs to see what's wrong)

Me (Realizing what was actually going on and how completely this was blown way out of proportion) I asked: Rocker do you realize daddy is also gone?

Not getting my meaning Rocker answered: What they stole daddy too?!?!

Rubbing my head in complete dismay: Rocker daddy went to take the movies back to Blockbuster. No one stole the car or daddy. It is OK!!

With in two minutes of the whole drama taking place Rocker finally got it and went back to getting ready for bed. My question is why didn't he just assume daddy went to the store or something? Why did we automatically jump to the conclusion that the car was stolen and so was daddy? I mean it's not like we live in some horrible neighborhood or anything. Oh, brother it's been a long week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beautiful Grace said...

Got a question for you...Has Rocker shown any prophetic gifting?

Mrs. C said...

Maybe I'm super guillable this morning but you totally had me. I'm thinking - how are we going to be able to help this family with this?!? No car is horrible.

Then I began to laugh and giggle. Too funny.

Kelli said...

Your kids just make me smile. :)

Natalie said...

That was very funny.

This Journey of Mine said...

Yeah, my first thought was "oh no, their car was stolen?!!"

Then I chuckled!

Melissa said...

Perhaps Rocker and Drama King need to switch names??

This made me smile...especially the bursting in part! I find myself engaging in all sorts of conversations with my kids on the toilet! That is so sad!

Livin' Life said...

Yes Rocker could be Drama Rocker but if that's the case I should change my name from Livin to Drama Mama.

Unfortunately they get it from me. Poor Shaggy and my Knight the only two level headed of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing now, but when I first read the title I was getting ready to pick up the phone and call you.

Love, love the part about them stealing Daddy too. You can't make this stuff up!!

The Gang's Momma! said...

First, that you actually went to the man bathroom - how brave of you! Second that you picked up a hunting magazine to occupy yourself. I'm cracking up.

Third, that Rocker forgot himself and burst in on you - my kids would do (have done) the same thing and their embarrassment is just too much fun for me. I probably should be more outraged or embarrassed, but it happens too often and they still don't learn! Odly enough, my girl is the only one who never bursts in on me - she knocks politely first then goes drama queen on me :)

Finally, that Rocker leaped to stealing Daddy too made my coffee start to spew while I choked it back in and laughed. That's hilarious. We call those blond moments when Shaggy has one of those :) And he does, often!