Friday, April 11, 2008

I Survived!!!!

I made it with no problems. Everyone who left the comments about how easy it was, was correct. The only difficulty I had was with the liquid I had to drink the night before. I couldn't get all of it down and stopped taking it as soon as it started coming back up the wrong way. YUCK!!!! After the nurse woke me up I asked her if there was anything else they needed to poke and prod because I wanted to go back to sleep. She just laughed probably thinking the anesthesia was still working not realizing I was serious. I told my husband that's how they should do women's yearly exams and mammograms. Knock you out and let you sleep through it all.

The procedure was quick and peaceful, thank you for your prayers. Right now they do believe it to be colitis. They are analyzing two biopsies that were taken and a polyp that was found and removed. The next step is to go back in a week once the results of the biopsies and polyp are determined. I am going to be starting the diet Patty K. has been on. I am really struggling with how this is going to work but I don't want to go down the steroid and heavy prescription medication route. I also just don't want to be experiencing the pain and problems I have been having this past year. I want to be healthy and live better. I would rather see the Lord heal me miraculously and through this nutritional diet. The big thing will be getting my Knight behind me on this. He doesn't have a problem with the diet it's just everyone adjusting to the changes I have to make. I am also going to be cooking healthier for them too.

So now I stand for healing as I mentally prepare myself for this new journey.


This Journey of Mine said...

So glad to hear that you did fine. I was praying for you yesterday morning, that you would have peace!

Trish said...

Glad it went well. I would be happy to help in any way that I can - I do have a couple of books you are welcome to borrow for as long as you need them.

The Gang's Momma! said...

So happy that it went without a hitch for you. I was praying too. I'm also glad you have a resource like Patty K. while you walk through the adjustments and transitions - she's so wise and patient and encouraging. I've always been so blessed by her joy and by her perspective on her health issues.

Kathleen Ellis said...

whoo hoo! so glad that you may be getting a handle on what's been going on. i know patty can give you lots of great tips about how to make the diet work...especially with a family. looking forward to hearing more.

Beautiful Grace said...

Glad everything went've been on my heart!

Mrs. C said...

I'll be praying for you! So glad that you and Patty have linked up. She is such an encourager too!