Tuesday, January 15, 2008

10, 8, 31

Numbers are meaningless to people unless you know their significance. Let me explain.

#10- The number of years My Knight and I will be married for as of this Feb. 8th. It will be a tremendous occasion for the both of us.

#8- The age Rocker will be turning this Jan. 27th. He is an amazing gift. I had a 15 month old at home so times were busy. We also get to celebrate this year by doing the Car Seat Burning Ceremony. We have two out of car seats one more to go!!!

#31- The age I will be turning this Jan. 27th. Yes Rocker was born on my birthday. Didn't know it until later that evening when my Knight brought me a birthday cake in the hospital. At first I assumed it was for the baby. We blew out candles and then I realized how much work/pain I went through on my birthday. It is also a very crowded birthday because I have a twin brother. So now my birthday is spent baking cakes, decorating and playing games with my son. Believe me I enjoy it!!

So there you have it. These are numbers that have great meaning to me!!!!!
What are some meaningfully numbers in your life?


Hands-Free Heart said...

What a neat birthday present! That's funny, but totally believable, that you didn't even know it was your birthday :) I say believable because I know that a woman in labor/delivery/recovery really doesn't have a clue about days, times or anything else!

My most meaningful number is 2 - the number of children I have ( and I think I'd like to keep it that way ) I love them but I think they are about all I can handle :o

This Journey of Mine said...

My husband and I are celebrating 10 years on July 18. And I turn 31 on Jan. 25!!!! We have a lot in common, girl!