Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Rock and a Hard Place

Just a random thought that caught my attention today from the Lord I wanted to share. I was watching an educational program with my youngest, Drama King, for a few minutes of down time. I am not sure what it was called but it had a baby duck, turtle and I think the other creature was a hamster. It was cute and they sung to opera style songs.

Well anyway, they needed to save a triceratops from being stuck between two boulders. The little duck chimed in with "she's stuck between a rock and a hard place". Immediately my mind was flooded with a battle a have been waging with, that is still ongoing. It's a no win situation I have battled through with many tears and much prayer poured out over it. I have recently felt backed into a corner and stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't move forward or in any direction for that matter. Then as though the Father did a Holy Spirit strifing run on my heart I heard Him say you are between the 'Rock' and a hard place. It seized my heart and I couldn't let it go. Like the disciples of old I asked for the meaning. He told me He has hemmed me in and I was to lean on Him. It was not a place of impasse but a place of impact. He was using this to bring healing in my life. I would most likely had run if the Lord had not hedged in behind me. Now I know it is really a place I can rest in instead of resist.

Within moments of those beautiful words being spoken I was transported back to my family room with my sandwich still in hand. I looked up to see the end of the cartoon as the triceratops pops out of the rock formation free and unharmed. Just thought I would share.


Mrs. C said...

Thanks for commenting. :) It helped me to find you!

To tell you the truth - I needed to read this post. What's been difficult for me is what I'm identifying as difficult/hard/annoying/would-be-much-easier-to-be-without is the same thing that I know God has asked me to do.

Welcome to the adventure of blogging. I look forward to reading more.

Hands-Free Heart said...

Hey there! Just found you through Plain & Simple. I'm so glad you're joining the blogging world (and that your Knight decided it was ok, too).

Sometimes I think it helps me to be hemmed in. I'm not saying it's a fun place to be, but when I have a choice of direction, I feel that I often choose wrongly or am just lazy.